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Computational Physics
Getting Started
Python Basics
1. Basic concepts
2. Operators
3. Basic I/O functions
4. Control flow, or, how Python knows what happens when
5. Data types
6. Functions & Includes
7. Miscellanea
8. Debugging techniques
Learning with examples
More resources
Tutorial, Part 1: First Steps with Python 3
Tutorial Part 2: Functions and modules, focus on numpy
Tutorial, Part 3: Logicals, if blocks, and while loops
Tutorial, Part 4: Lists, for loops, built-in help.
Tutorial, Part 5: NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib
Learning Physics with PyLab
Course Material
Questions and Solutions
Labwork with Scipy, Numpy and Pylab
PHY460S 1460S Lorenz Map Assignment
Background about changes in our software for fall 2017
Foreword: On Computers and Python in Physics By Prof. Charles Dyer
What can we help you find?
Computational Physics
Python Basics
Learning with examples
Learning with examples
Fun with Strings
Introduction to Functions and Modules
Numerical Integration